My Funny Valentines



A friend asked Aaron and I yesterday what our valentines plans are.  Or rather, he asked Aaron what he planned to do for me.  “Oh I don’t really care about valentines,” I jumped in.  Friend laughed and said to Aaron, “Don’t buy that!  That’s just what they say, but you know theyexpect something.”  I laughed but honest to God, I really don’t care.  I certainly don’t feel that he needs to create some big hoopla for me.  If anything, it’s a day to celebrate the love we share not to make him prove something.  Truth be told, Aaron’s forte is not exactly special occasions.  He’s the most giving, loving person I know but when the pressure’s on I think he kinda freezes up.  Not to mention I don’t think I’m the easiest person to buy for.  I may or may not have exchanged a gift early on in our relationship, which may or may not have scarred his gift giving self for life.. But thats another story.  So, our tradition for birthdays, mothers’ days, and other special days, has become something like going out for brunch at either Marche or Fido, doing a little shopping, or taking a walk, something like that and just being together and relaxing.  And they are always my favorite days.  Spending time with my two darling Valentines is the best gift I could get.  Cue violins.  Yeah, I do love Valentine’s Day, I’d just rather not acquire anything from the valentines isle at the grocery store.  But love, that I will celebrate.  That I will take a day off for.  That I will take a moment and be thankful for.  So today, no special plans for us, just taking time to soak in my two beautiful loves.  One of which took these pretty pictures for us.  I’ll let you figure out which one.




However your day took shape today, I hope it was full of love.  But if it hasn’t been the best for you, or if you’ve fallen victim to the lie that if you don’t have a lover on this day then you should be all mopey and sad, well, then let me just encourage you.  That particular type of love has its own timing, but the fullness of love is all around us.  So, turn your frown upside down as they say and remember that you have more love and are more loved than you could ever know.  Rest and receive it.  xoxoxo




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