

ps katie door

A cathedral of unknown faces.  The thick hum of conversation.  Music and warmth radiating.

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A deep sigh of laugher bubbles up like a spring.  The cool water wets parched desert scenes.

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I capture this feeling like a rabbit, that hopes to dart away.  Closing my eyes, I hold him in my mind, delicately sculpting this memory.


He’s the one I dreamed of.  He was walking through a crowd.  He is here, with me now.

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This is my experience.  This is my collection.  These are those with whom I am interwoven.

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I press myself: Can I let it go?  Will I let it simply be?  Will I fully realize that this is but a dream?

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I speak my heart.  I release my mind.  I give into love a million times.

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I remember everything I see, everything is energy.  The glass that pours, the heart that beats.

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I still myself and listen for the silence.  The silence expressed as peace.  Through cluttered air I reach out and find it.  I plant it like a seed.

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I won’t leave this where I find it.  I’m taking it with me.

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I breath in and…


“You have only casually been thankful for your gift of life.  Be thankful each day for this great gift.  Most people go through life never really appreciating it.  The purpose of life is joy, and with spiritual understanding the physical senses are enhanced.  Savor fully the loveliness of each experience.  Self-awareness is the prayer of the heart, and the pray without ceasing is to play.  Play with the joyful abandon of the child, absorbed in the delight of each moment.  Let go of obligation and duty, and live for the pure joy of being.”

“Teach liberation. Fun and laughter are contagious, exposing all in their radius to the prosperous condition of happiness. Do what you really want to do. Follow the desires of your heart, and your blithe spirit will infect others. As you free yourself, your deeds and words will inspire others to break through the prison bars that have kept them from fulfillment. There is so much joy, so much good. Embrace it and express it, radiate and luxuriate in it.”


(excerpts from a story I read recently)


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